ESP8266 smart dustbin

Smart Dustbin (SD)


Ultrasonic Sensor
Servo Motor
Dustbin(smart dustbin) And Internet connection

Step 1: Preparing the smart dustbin

make the dustbin open and make one circle thermo sheat and cut in two parts as door opening that can control by the servo motor via string that is connected to the thermo sheat. after that make holes according to the ultrasonic sensor for open the door or lock of the smart dustbin

Step 2: connect the ESP8266

Make connection as given from circuit diagram connect all wires as shown in image there is two servo motors one for open door and one for lock the door. and two ultrasonic sensors one for depth of dust and second for user to open the door connect them as shown in the image below

Step : 3 program ESP8266

program the ESP8266 according the program given download program from below link and also download the library thats given below and also watch video for details and change the ssid name and wifi password in the arduino ide

Step: 4 build application

to build application you need to take the aia file that given below and open in it in the mit app inventor 2 and upload the that aia file there and change api key and link of firebase according to image

Step: 5 Connect it to smart dustbin  app!

connect it via any power supply and connect it t the wifi and wait for coonection after connection start mobile application unlock it and just wave garbage near it and througnh in it


relatable Project Is at SmartDustbin

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