Design engineering is a very innovative approach towards new Innovations and shaping new solutions to the existing problems. Design engineering gives an opportunity to young minds to think logically, and present their ideas and implement it in the real world.
Design engineering motivates young engineers to create their startups. These startups can be helpful in creating revenue and employments in future.
In Design Engineering students of various fields come across different learning tools. They learn to use new devices. They also learn through different research papers and online data.
Team building is very important aspect of Design Engineering which helps the team members to understand each and share their ideas for new innovations. Log book exercises are very helpful in day to day work.
Block Diagram of Project
Working of Project
Most of the villages have the electricity and the water problem in the farm. So our project is based on the moisture and water of the land around areas. We will be parted the land In different different sectors and each of the sector have two soil moisture sensors to be sense the moisture around the sector of land and inform about it to the farmer using GSM call or the message.
In the project the different types of Modes in system related to the framings. So the farmer easily can choose the mode of the farming in the system. When the water and electricity is available and the sector land requires the water the motor and the solenoid valve is automatically on. and in the last of the sector sensor will sense the moisture and send the message to the system and system will turn off the the solenoid valve and the last sector is completed the motor is automatically turn off and send the message to the farmer.
i) Power saving
ii) Reduce human power
iii) Echo friendly
iv) Water saving
v) Increase fertility of land
vi) Easy to operates
vii) Compact design system
vii) Different types of farming modes
- Water pipe cost
- Installation charge
Application of project
Project is only used in the farms
Mind Mapping
By Creating Ideation Canvas we can learn about the people who will use this project. It also helps us in finding the possible solutions the project will give. It also tells the user about the situations in which they can use the project.