The development of a ” Wirless Energy Meter Reading using GSM & Arduino system”is presented in this paper. This system consists of GSM digital power meter installed in every consumer unit. A GSM modem is connected to the energy meter. Each modem will be having its own SIM. The SIM card used is implemented in energy meter and it sends a message to the user about the due bill. A LCD is used in the hardware module for the user interface. The LCD displays the current usage and units consumed. For every 30 days the information is sends to the electricity board office regarding the units by using GSM. The user can pay the amount just by knowing the given massage which is fed in the mobile. If that consumer does not pay the bill then from the EB (ELECTRICITY BOARD) office the power is switched off. After paying the bill only the power is connected to that consumer by sending a command from the EB (ELECTRICITY BOARD) office.
Block Diagram of Project
Block Diagram of Wireless energy meter reading using GSM & arduino
List Of Hardware Used In Project
- Lcd
- Arduino
- RTC (PCF8583)
- Load (as Bulb)
- Relay
- GSM (Sim 300 Module)
- Adapter (12 V)
- Switch – 4
- LED – 2
- Transformer – 2
- Optocoupler (pc817)
- Battery
Overview Of The Project
System overview
The complete system overview shown in Figure
The complete system is made up of multiple GSM power meters installed in the city, SMS gateway, Application Terminal, Database Server, Email Server, Printer and Web server. The GSM power meter is working in conjunction with the GSM network to retrieve power meter reading.
The GSM power meter is a single phase digital kWh power meter which utilizes the GSM network to send the power usage reading back to the energy provider wirelessly upon request from the energy provider SMS gateway. The GSM Power Meter is the integration of a single phase Class 1, IEC61036 standard compliance digital kWh power meter and a GSM modem.
A SIM card with a unique special service number is require for the GSM power meter to receive and to reply its meter reading to the energy provider using SMS. The special service number SIM card is working similarly with mobile phone number except it is not meant for voice service.
The SIM card service number is also use to identify and retrieve the owner or customer
details from the database server for billing purposes. On the ICT side the eBIS application software was installed in the application terminal where the energy provider operator uses to perform meter reading routine in the monthly interval through the GSM network. Upon meter reading execution the SMS gateway performs cell board casting of request SMS to all GSM power meter to request for their meter reading.
Once each individual GSM power meter received the request SMS from the energy provider SMS gateway, they will immediately response by composing its reading in six digits kWh unit and reply to the energy provider SMS gateway by SMS. All the received SMS will be stored in the SMS gateway.
The retrieval of individual meter through GSMSMS for the whole country may take sometimes depending on the network traffic and weather condition for the particular GSM base transceiver station. Upon completion within a given period of time, the eBIS will start to sort the received SMS according to the post code area based on the GSM power meter number. From the sorted list, it also look for any non-reply GSM power meter due to SMS data packet loss and compiled a list for second request.
After second request is executed and if there is still no reply, a field engineer will be sent to carryout field inspection on the particular faulty GSM meter to rectify the problem. After the completion of the meter reading request the application terminal will starts to retrieve the meter reading from the SMS gateway and to store and update to the database server accordingly. From the database eBIS will starts to calculate the billing amount for an individual meter base on the tariff rate from the energy provider.
The billing notifications are send to an individual owner through Email by the Email Server, SMS to the owner through SMS gateway and hard copy printing through the Print Server for postal mail for owner who prefer hard copy bill. A Web portal is setup at the Web server to provide easy checking and pay online services.
Once the owner received the billing notification from SMS, Email or hard copy printing bill, the owner can access the web portal and logon to check their billing detail since the web server is linked to the database server. The owner can choose to pay their bill online using credit card as the web server is connected to the e-commerce server that handles any banking transaction. The owner can choose to pay their bill by cash at any of the energy provide outlet that have access to the eBIS application terminal.
The owner can use their mobile phone as well to retrieve their own GSM power meter reading verification. This can be achieved by just sending a check SMS to the owner GSM power meter number. Once the GSM power meter receive the SMS it will then compose the current meter reading and reply to the owner using SMS. With this the owner can also monitor their power usage anytime and anywhere.
Goals of automation (beyond productivity gains and cost reduction)
In manufacturing, the purpose of automation has shifted to issues broader than productivity and costs.
Reliability and precision
The old focus on using automation simply to increase productivity and reduce costs was seen to be short-sighted, because it is also necessary to provide a skilled workforce who can make repairs and manage the machinery. Moreover, the initial costs of automation were high and often could not be recovered by the time entirely new manufacturing processes replaced the old.
Automation is now often applied primarily to increase quality in the manufacturing process, where automation can increase quality substantially. For example, automobile and truck pistons used to be installed into engines manually. This is rapidly being transitioned to automated machine installation, because the error rate for manual installment was around
1-1.5%, but has been reduced to 0.00001% with automation.
Health and environment
The costs of automation to the environment are different depending on the technology, product or engine automated. There are automated engines that consume more energy resources from the Earth in comparison with previous engines and those that do the opposite too. Hazardous operations, such as oil refining, the manufacturing of industrial chemicals, and all forms of metal working were always early contenders for automation.
Convertibility and turnaround time
Another major shift in automation is the increased demand for flexibility and convertibility in manufacturing processes. Manufacturers are increasingly demanding the ability to easily switch from manufacturing Product A to manufacturing Product B without having to completely rebuild the production lines. Former analogue-based instrumentation was replaced by digital equivalents which can be more accurate and flexible.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Automation
The main advantages of automation are:
Replacing human operators in tasks that involve hard physical or monotonous work.
Replacing humans in tasks done in dangerous environments (i.e. fire, space, volcanoes, nuclear facilities, underwater, etc.)
Performing tasks that are beyond human capabilities of size, weight, speed, endurance, etc.
Economy improvement: Automation may improve in economy of enterprises, society or most of humanity. For example, when an enterprise invests in automation, technology recovers its investment; or when a state or country increases its income due to automation like Germany or Japan in the 20thCentury.
The main disadvantages of automation are:
Technology limits. Current technology is unable to automate all the desired tasks.
Unpredictable development costs. The research and development cost of automating a process may exceed the cost saved by the automation itself.
High initial cost. The automation of a new product or plant requires a huge initial investment in comparison with the unit cost of the product, although the cost of automation is spread in many product batches
About Energy Meter
- An energy meter is a device which is used to measures the consumption of energy of any residence or other industrial establishment.
- In Conventional metering system to measure electricity consumption the energy provider company hire persons who visit each house and record the meter reading manually.
- These meter readings are used for electricity bill calculation and this bill sent to consumer house by post. This is only a sluggish and laborious.
- In Conventionally metering system people try to manipulate meter reading by adopting various corrupt practices such as current reversal or CT reverse tampers, partial earth fault condition, bypass meter, magnetic interference etc.
- There is a stark amount of revenue loss being incurred by our country. This metering system becomes very difficult especially in rainy season. If any consumer did not pay the bill, the electricity worker needs to go to their houses to disconnect the power supply. It is inefficient way for measuring power consumption.
- Comparison between Automatic Meter Reading System and Conventional Metering System:
- Table succinctly spouts out comparison between Automatic Meter Reading System and Conventional Metering System. Using AMR Technology we can control and monitor any energy meter located anywhere in the world .GSM based energy meter or AMR are provide tempering alert, auto disconnect feature, power cut facility. Automatic meter reading system is access to real time data and received customer complaints. So costs for meter reading will be reduced. AMR system avoids meter reading error and reading data automatically. It also provides increased security of data.
Technical Specification:
Title of the Project :- GSM Based Energy Meter Reading &Billing System
CRYSTAL :- 11.0592 MHz
1. Provides user friendly remote energy meter monitoring. | |
2. Supports controlling of meter. | |
3.Can be controlled anywhere in the world. | |
4.Non-volatile memory based energy-reading storing. | |
5.Auto disconnect feature. |
Electricity departments
Household Energy meter monitoring.
Railway electrical systems.
Industrial Energy remote monitoring.
Remote controlling system
Circuit Diagram
The proposed system for energy meter billing is automatic without human intervention and consumer can directly know the amount has to pay. The electricity board can disconnect or reconnect the connection from remote place through the GSM modem. If the units consumed by the user crosses certain utilization of the power automatically switch off the load connected to it .so that we can reduce the wastage of power in the households etc.
Photos of project