Build and simulate parity generator and checker circuits in VHDL

parity generator and parity checker

1) 8 – Bit Parity Generator


parity generator and parity checker


library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity parity is
	port(	data:in bit_vector(7 downto 0);
			even_p,odd_p: out bit);
end parity;
architecture parity_gen of parity is
signal temp : bit_vector(5 downto 0);
    temp(0)<=data(0) xor data(1);
    temp(1)<=temp(0) xor data(2);
    temp(2)<=temp(1) xor data(3);
    temp(3)<=temp(2) xor data(4);
    temp(4)<=temp(3) xor data(5);
    temp(5)<=temp(4) xor data(6);
    even_p <= temp(5) xor data(7);
    odd_p <= not(temp(5) xor data(7));
end parity_gen;

parity generator and parity checker

Simulation Waveform:

8 – Bit Parity Checker (Even)

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity parity is
	port(	data:in bit_vector(7 downto 0);
			p: in bit;
			e: out bit);
end parity;
architecture parity_gen of parity is
signal temp : bit_vector(6 downto 0);
    temp(0)<=data(0) xor data(1);
    temp(1)<=temp(0) xor data(2);
    temp(2)<=temp(1) xor data(3);
    temp(3)<=temp(2) xor data(4);
    temp(4)<=temp(3) xor data(5);
    temp(5)<=temp(4) xor data(6);
    temp(6) <= temp(5) xor data(7);
    e <= p xor temp(6);
end parity_gen;

Simulation Waveform:

Build and simulate parity generator and checker circuits in VHDL

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