Women Safety Belt

INTRODUCTION In today’s world, women safety has become a major issue as they can’t step out of their house at any given time due to physical/sexual abuse and a fear of violence. Even in the 21st century where the technology is rapidly growing and new gadgets were developed but still women and girls are facing … Read more


ABSTRACT Wall Follower is one of the biggest and one of the important idea of robotics. A Wall Following is an autonomous robot which detects the wall and decides what to do after it. It is designed to move automatically and follows the plot line. The robot uses  several  sensors to identify the wall thus … Read more

Electronic Code Lock Circuit Using 555 Timer IC

Digital code locks are very popular in electronics, where you have to enter a certain “code” to open Lock. This type of Lock requires a Microcontroller to compare the entered code with the predefined code to open the Lock. We have already built these types of digital locks using Arduino, using Raspberry PI and using … Read more

Wirless energy meter reading using GSM & Arduino

ABSTRACT The development of a ” Wirless Energy Meter Reading using GSM & Arduino system”is presented in this paper. This system consists of GSM digital power meter installed in every consumer unit. A GSM modem is connected to the energy meter. Each modem will be having its own SIM. The SIM card used is implemented … Read more

Advanced microcontroller-based smart irrigation system

Introduction Design engineering is a very innovative approach towards new Innovations and shaping new solutions to the existing problems. Design engineering gives an opportunity to young minds to think logically, and present their ideas and implement it in the real world. Design engineering motivates young engineers to create their startups. These startups can be helpful … Read more

ESP8266 smart dustbin

Smart Dustbin (SD) Supplies: ESP8266Ultrasonic SensorServo MotorDustbin(smart dustbin) And Internet connection Step 1: Preparing the smart dustbin make the dustbin open and make one circle thermo sheat and cut in two parts as door opening that can control by the servo motor via string that is connected to the thermo sheat. after that make holes … Read more